On 7 th Janary 2014, Nokia launched new phablet smart phone and available on January 14th along with 525, a worthy upgrade of lumia 520. The phone having higher performance by 1.7 GHz Snapdragon S4 Dual core processor, 1 GB RAM and 8 GB internal memory. And the phone is very suitable for internet using, play videos and gaming. Comparing with lumia 720,625 and 820, it is better phone having more processor speed, RAM capacity, battery life, storage capacity and screen size.
The screen size is 6.00 inch IP LCD 720 x 1280 pixels resolution and Nokia ClearBlack Technology. 5 MP camera with dual led flash and front camera up to 2 MP and performance by Nokia Camera app by the update of windows 8 lumia black os.
Orange, white, yellow and black are colour models of this phone. Nokia offers the phone giving 7 GB SkyDrive storage.
The phone is priced RS: 23,999.